FIN206 Investment Management

Analyse the processes involved in managing an investment portfolio. Analyse the objectives of the defined benefit fund in terms of the return requirements. How do you think they could be improved?Analyse the objectives of the defined benefit fund in terms of risk management. How do you think they could be improved?  Propose two (2) new objectives for the defined benefit fund based on both return and risk requirements. Analyse the objectives of the balanced fund in terms of the return requirements. How do you think they could be improved?Analyse the objectives of the balanced fund in terms of risk management. How do you think they could be improved? Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current process to select investment managers.Explain how you would improve the process, focusing your discussion on the selection of managers for the equity portfolio.Provide a brief overview of what is meant by an ESG overlay to an investment process as well as whether any research is available to support the addition of this overlay to a manager’s process?

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