Submit a report that:
1. Lists the three professionals’ demographic backgrounds, and work situations (type of work they do, type and size of their organizations, etc.). This section needs to give detailed information about these professionals in order for the instructor to fully understand your responses to #2, 3 & 4. DO NOT include the three professionals’ names or the specific names of their organizations.
2. Lists each of your interviewee’s top two favorite benefits programs that their organizations offer, and describes why these programs are their favorites.
3. Lists the one thing that each of your interviewees would change about their organization’s benefits plans, and describes why.
4. Your learning experience:
o What did you learn from the interview experience? o Was there any surprises in the interview experience / responses given? o Comments on what your interviewees would change about their organization’s benefits and /or pension plans? Expand your answers from the perspectives of whether the changes would be reasonable, feasible, promote transparency, promote internal equity and external competitiveness, and / or encourage productivity / positive behaviours that would ultimately improve organizational performance. o How did this process help you to understand the challenges that Pension and Benefits professionals face in an organization?