CMGT/445 CMGT445 CMGT 445 WEEK 5 Supporting Activity: Prioritizing Software Maintenance Changes

CMGT 445 WEEK 5 Supporting Activity: Prioritizing Software Maintenance Changes

Supporting Activity: Prioritizing Software Maintenance Changes

 The automated system that your company acquired from an external developer has been a year in development and there are many outstanding issues with the application during acceptance testing. Pressure from the organization is such that the system has to be accepted now with defects as your company's business is at risk in the marketplace without the system. In addition, the requirements of the business model have changed while the project timeline has slipped, and the business did not go back to the developer to add the new requirements due to cost and schedule impact.

You are now tasked with maintaining the system, discuss how you would address known issues and how you prepare for any unknown issues yet to be revealed. How do you prioritize the issues? What additional changes can you expect to occur during the maintenance of the systems?


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