ICT477 Lab 5 Routing Redistribution

ICT477: Lab 5 Routing Redistribution


This lab covers Static, EIGRP, RIP, and OSPF routing protocols. Routes will be redistributed at the Core in the network topology shown below.

ICT477 Lab 5 Routing Redistribution image 1

Lab Procedure

  1. Design your network configurations to include IP addresses and subnet masks to complete connectivity in the current topology.
  1. Configure all the IP addresses for all the PCs with appropriate subnet masks and default gateways.
  1. Configure all the routers to include router names according to the topology depicted.
  1. Configure all the necessary router interfaces to include VLANs and include description labels for each. The serial interfaces should have the default clock rate.
  1. Configure routing protocols as described in Packet Tracer for each LAN.
  1. Redistribute necessary routes into the network at Core1 and Core 2.
  1. Verify connectivity using the PCs.
  1. What routes are being redistributed into Core 1 and what code does it show? Via what route(s) is the communication?
  1. What routes are being redistributed into Core2 and what code does it show? Via what route(s) is the communication?
  1. What routes are learned by the Router C? What command is used to view this information? Why do you think this is so?
  1. Save packet tracer as Lab5_Ch3_<student’s first and last name>.pka*
  1. Provide a screenshot of your final topology and save this document as Lab5_Ch3_<student’s first and last name>.docx.

*Use the PlaceNote feature of the Cisco Packet Tracer to label your topology.

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