Week 1

Lee, R.D. & Johnson, RW., Joyce, P.G. (2008).  Public budgeting systems (8th ed.).  Sudbury, MA:  Jones and Bartlett.  ISBN: 
Discussion Forums
To participate in the following Discussion Forums, go to this week's Discussion link in the left navigation: 
         1.   Public & Private Sector 
               Describe and discuss differences that are apparent between government and business budget making?  Are there any similarities in their profit motives?  Please
               provide at least two examples to support your perspectives.  Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
         2.   Reasons for Growth  
               Government often grows to meet the demands of the citizenry and so does the costs associated with that growth.  Identify an example of growth that was 
               necessary and provide reasons why.  Explain why such expansions are needed to meet the needs of society and how they are funded.  These processes 
               sometimes bring harsh criticism?   Why?   Explain your position in detail.  Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. 
Written Assignments
To complete this assignment, go to this week- Assignment link in the left navigation. 
         Public Budgeting

         Write a 2 - 3 page, APA-style paper in which you give an overview of public budgeting.  Include the following topics:
•	Explain the philosophy of public finance. 
•	Contrast governmental accounting with nongovernmental accounting. 
•	Explain the relationship between budgeting and financial reporting in government 

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