LING 100A USC Social Media User Microtargeting Essay

I need help with a Linguistics question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn. 

Edit my first draft of the explanatory synthesis ( in the browser) that was based on these 3 texts a.“Facebook scandal’s lesson: Your person is a commodity” by John Diaz“Facebook is watching and tracking you more than you know” by Kim Komando“Ban targeted advertising” by David Dayen“Stop freaking out about Cambridge Analytica: Targeted ads are great” by Sonny Bunch here is the comment that my teacher made;Please use a mix of quotes and paraphrases in the paper. Also, I'm not sure why you calling microtargeting illegal. As Bunch notes, there is nothing illegal about any of it, not even Cambridge Analytica.Please address both of these issues in the final draft, Also, this paper has a lot of opinion when it is supposed to be explanatory. How are you going to write the next paper which uses the same readings?
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