I’m studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.
Discuss your Individual papers for this week and share what you learned about your issue.Submit a 300- to 500-word summary to your instructor.Here is my part and the 3 other team mates parts.My paper was about air pollution. Large animal farms throughout Missouri contribute to the air pollution. All the methane gases that the animals produce as well as other contributing factors like burning fossil fuels and woodstoves. The polluted air aids in the early deaths of those in Missouri as well as asthma attacks. Positive environmental strategies are adopting renewable energy and improving household sectors. Substituting fossil fuels with renewable fuels are being considered. Biomass oxidation can be substituted as a renewable energy source and aid in the reduction of local toxic waste ejection. Minimizing energy consumption and improving combustion efficacy in households as they contribute to gas emissions. Improving livestock farming and manure management will help in enhancing the farming efficacy. Besides the emission of ammonia manure contributes to other toxic pollutants like methane and nitrous oxide. Another positive effect is rechargeable vehicles. They do not produce carbon emissions and they are cleaner for people, plants, water, and animals.My paper was focused on recycling. Plastic bottle to be exact, recycling has always been big to me but when I moved to Texas and found out that it wasn't such a big deal to recycle like it was when I was in California really got to me. Growing up in California we were taught at a very young age how important it was to recycle for the environment and as a parent I'm trying to show mu daughter what is best to do for our environment as a young girl. I believe that all restaurant no matter where you are in the world so have recycling bins within there place of business and this would help our environment out in so many ways and those plastic bottles wouldn't be such a big issue. I know I will continue to work with my family and friends when it comes to recycling because to me it's a big issue and I hope it becomes a big issue to more people than it is right now.My paper was focused on water control. In particular, the issues that have long existed in the state of California. It was interesting to read that the water shortage is not a new issue, but one that has been dealt with since before I was born. I was even able to find an article dated from the 1950s. The sad reality is that this problem has been politicized, and now more than 50 years later, we continue to struggle with this dilemma. To further the complexity of this issue, the fight between the water farmers need to grow crops and the water needed to save an endangered small fish in the northern part of California. So the central region and north region are not in agreement. I wonder how long this drought topic will headline in the news; however, for now, we will do our part to help stabilize the water shortage. My paper focused on construction. we have a lot of that going on in the Mid-South. the construction includes both buildings and roads. We have been dealing with this for some time. It is a major concern because of the many buildings that are eye sores and the construction having a mess as well causing safety issues in some major highways. It is wide open opportunities for people to commit crimes, do illegal dumping, and increase in graffiti. The positive note will be when it's all done and finished it will create jobs and bring more revenue to the area.