BAC 213 Money Banking & Risk

BAC213  Money Banking & Risk
Coursework 2010/2011  
Book Review On the brink 
Word Limit 2000 - 2500 words
Hand out date 27th September 2010 Hand in date 6th January 2011
The financial crisis at the end of the “Noughties” has shaped the world of finance ever since and will continue to do so over the coming decades.  Several books have been written (and will continue to bewritten) from a wide range of angles.
The book “On the brink” written by Henry Poulson is unique in that it is written by a major player at the heart of the crisis and whilst it is not a theoretical text in that it leaves the complexities of CDS- etc alone it does capture the complexities of the problems facing the financial world at that time.
Review the book - suggestions:
1.	Summarise the time line of events
2.	Causes of the crisis
3.	How was it managed ( in your view)
4.	Key player review
Grading will be against UWIC grade descriptors  
Links such as  are not helpful and are not a substitute for reading the book.
Please note that to achieve a grade of above 70% correct and appropriate reference will be made to Poulson- speechs of that time period. These can be downloaded as video podcasts from Bloombergs CNN etc and as text documents from the White House.
A helpful companion read to this book is Vince Cable- “The Storm” . No marks will be awarded for reading this but it provides useful information and an outsiders viewpoint.
Learning outcomes 1 / 2 and 5 are being assessed.
Recommended Reading & Required Reading

Pilbeam K (2008) Finance and Financial Markets. Macmillan.
Bernstein P (2007) Against the Gods. Wiley
Rejda C ( 6th Edition) Principles of Risk and Insurance - Longmans
Goacher :The Monetary and Financial System 5th Edition Prentice Hall 
Bessis: Risk Management in Banking 3rd Edition Wiley
Heffernan S (2008) Modern Banking Theory and Practice Edition 2. Wiley.

Recommended Journals:
Financial Times
Wall Street Journal

Recommended Viewing 
Bloomberg TV

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