Employer Branding is Defined

Employer Branding is Defined by Jo Bredwell of JWT Specialized Communications as “the process of discovery, analysis, definition and communication of the employer- unique assets.” (slide #4 on http://media.monster.com/a/i/intelligence/pdf/EmployerBranding_05172007_Webinar.pdf).
In this competitive market, employers must be able to differentiate themselves from other potential employers.  
This assignment will focus on the communication of the employer brand through one medium - a company website. 
Requirements  3 pages

Based on what you have read in the assigned readings about effective methods for communicating an employer brand: 

1.	Locate a career section on a company website that you find effective in terms of conveying the employer brand.   Provide the url to the site. 
a.	Explain 2 elements that reflect effective employer branding.
b.	Identify 2 attributes / types of candidates that you believe this company is targeting, and how you came to that conclusion. 
2.	Locate a different company website that you believe does not effectively convey the unique employer brand to prospective employees. Provide the url to the site. 
a.	Give 1 suggestion as to how you would improve the career site in terms of branding. 

1.	Drop the assignment into the Dropbox by midnight on Thursday, September 22nd

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