ARTS 125 Week 3 Assignment Help | University Of Phoenix

ARTS 125 Week 3 Assignment Help | University Of Phoenix 

American Art Before and After World War II Presentation

Resources: Review Ch. 5 and 6 of Oxford History of Art: Twentieth-Century American Art, the Week 3 Electronic Reserve Readings, your Video Reflections, and at least one additional scholarly online or library resource.

Prepare a 5- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you examine the works of photographers working during the 1930s and the work of Abstract Expressionists.

Include responses and discussion of the following in your presentation:

  • Three photographers who worked during the 1930s
    • At least two examples of photography from each photographer
    • A description of the types of subjects photographed
    • Your opinion on whether or not photography is a fine art form with an explanation
    • Your opinion regarding how photography has affected American culture
  • One Abstract Expressionists painter who worked in post-World War II America
    • At least one art work
    • A description of the style of the painter and why he or she was interested in this style of abstraction
    • A description of how this style emerged in post-World War II America and why it differed from the art work of the 1930s

Submit your American Art Before and After World War II Presentation.

  • For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.
  • For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with speaker's notes which support and expand upon your bulleted text.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines and include a slide with all references.

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