SSC 320 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

SSC 320 Week 2  Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Week 2 - Quiz


Question 1


The WTO argues that protectionist policies result in ALL BUT ONE of the following outcomes:


o   Decreased standard of living

o   Increased prices on goods and services

o   Increased employment opportunity

o   Decreased economic growth



Question 2

According to the text, the WTO generally privileges free trade over ___________________ concerns.


o   protectionist

o   sovereignty

o   environmental

o   social



Question 3

International law stems from four sources: courts, treaties, authoritative bodies, and ____________________.


o   custom

o   protectionism

o   capitalism

o   religion



Question 4

What does the TRIPS system, developed by the WTO in 1994, protect?


o   AIDS drugs

o   WTO conference sites

o   International protestors

o   Intellectual property



Question 5

Which of the following national concerns is of primary importance to the WTO, according to its critics?


o   Cultural preservation

o   Social welfare

o   Environmental safety standards

o   Gross national product




Question 6

Economist Herman Daly argues that as long as capital flows between nations the result is ______________________ rather than free trade.


o   capitalism

o   mercantilism

o   embedded liberalism

o   economic integration


 Question 7

The three major types of treaties are:


o   economic, human rights, and environmental.

o   human rights, environmental, and security.

o   security, agricultural, and human rights.

o   economic, security, and agricultural.



Question 8

Which theory applies to the belief that trade fosters technological knowledge sharing and thus advances productivity?


o   Classical Trade Theory

o   Law of Comparative Advantage

o   Gains from Trade

o   Dynamic Gains from Trade



Question 9

ALL BUT ONE of the following are impacts of free trade policies:


o   Native species preservation

o   Water pollution

o   Over fishing

o   Increased energy use




Question 10

What was the fundamental assumption that underscored the Law of Comparative Advantage?


o   That the environment would not be affected.

o   That a nation’s labor and capital were immobile.

o   That global trade would eliminate immigration.

o   That social issues could be alleviated politically.



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