SSC 320 Week 1 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

SSC 320 Week 1 Quiz  | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Week 1 - Quiz

Question 1


According to the text, what is the main reason  African slaves replaced Indian slaves in the New World?


o   They better understood European agriculture systems.

o   They were more easily converted to Christianity.

o   They were less susceptible to European diseases.

o   They did not have a history of rebellion.



Question 2

Which of the following is NOT considered a possible movement of globalization?


o   Technology

o   Cultural exclusion

o   Belief systems

o   Consumer tastes



Question 3

What is the zero sum principle?


o   The belief that mercantilism is the best economic system.

o   The belief that increased wealth and power for one state must come at the expense of another.

o   The belief that the world tends toward an anarchical system.

o   The belief that hegemony is the most powerful tool employed by a nation.




Question 4

Which of the following statements does NOT describe the Silk Road?


o   The fields in Asia where silk was cultivated.

o   Met Europe’s demand for exotic imports.

o   An example of a Roman trade network.

o   The trade route that linked China to the Mediterranean.



Question 5

Woodrow Wilson’s 14-point plan, resulting in the League of Nations, included ALL BUT ONE of the following promotions:


o   self-determination.

o   democracy.

o   free trade.

o   neoliberalism.



Question 6

Neoliberals believe that _______________________________________________ in the interest of individual states.


o   economic instability will produce imperial opportunities

o   mercantilism will foster economic autonomy

o   hegemonic power will maintain authority

o   economic interdependence will undermine the need for warfare



Question 7

What project or agency was developed in the early years of the twenty-first century to address and combat global poverty with concrete action plans?


o   The World Bank

o   The U.N. Millenium Project

o   The International Monetary Fund

o   The Grameen (Peoples’) Bank



Question 8

A/An _________________________ version of culture is described by terms such as McDonaldization or Coca Colanization.


o   neoliberal

o   homogenized

o   imperial

o   postwar



Question 9

According to the text, what is the main focus of the Occupy Wall Street movement?


o   The deportation of immigrants

o   The unequal concentration of wealth

o   The laws against slum dwelling and homelessness

o   The access to affordable health care




Question 10

Which of the following was NOT a major factor in the global debt crisis of the 1980s?


o   The OPEC oil embargo of 1973

o   Commercial bank investment in the developing world

o   The United States caused global interest rates to fall.

o   Developing countries chose variable interest rates for their loans.





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