Public Relations
describing how your company or industry uses public relations (Beverage Industry). If you work for a small company, then describe how PR is used in your industry. If you work for a medium-sized company, but it does not have a public relations program, discuss how your company or the industry could potentially use PR. a. State which of the 4 models of PR identified by James Grunig your company uses. Give examples. b. Identify the organization- publics and how the organization communicates with each public. c. What are the organization- key messages? Are they effective? d. Discuss what PR tools are being used or should be used. e. Identify the company spokesperson and whether or not that person is the best choice. f. Describe how crises have been handled in your company or how they could better be handled. g. Discuss how you, as an employee, can contribute to the company- PR objectives. Objectives: Apply what you’ve learned in class to your place of employment. Build your awareness of the potential for PR in your company and industry.