Review of Financial Statement
You are attending a managerial meeting in your publicly held organization to hear a proposal for a possible corporate merger with a competitor. After a brief discussion, the chief financial officer conducts a presentation showing the competitor's financial statements. Some of your colleagues have little or no financial background. You have decided to further their understanding by conducting a financial comparison of two publicly traded organizations.
My portion of this project is the overview of AT&T
Overview of organization (Company: AT&T)
A. Organization- name
B. Organization products or services
C. Date organization was established
D. Accounting organization that audited financial statements
One very comprehensive source of financial statements is SEC's website, where publicly traded companies report their statements. you need to put in the company's stock symbol and look up the 10-k, which is the annual report.
***I need 200-300 words on this & by Friday (07/15) 9pmEST***