Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure
Although Dr. Joe hand picked Dr.Durro other senior managers need to meet before Dr. Durro can be confirmed as the new VPP president and chairman of the board of Vitruvian, Inc. The other senior leaders of the health plan and VPP have decided to meet informally at an all-day offsite retreat to discuss the future of their organizations, the choice of Dr.Durro to lead them, and what it will mean to have technology be the driver of organizational development and growth. From your perspective as CFO of Vitruvian Physician Partners (VPP), compare and contrast the organizational structure of the 3 organizations: Vitruvian, Inc., Vitruvian Physician Partners, and Vitruvian Health Plan. Describe the primary function(s) of each company, and focus on how similar or different the infrastructures may be. Identify the primary responsibility of each company. 

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