The essay should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The main point should be clearly stated in the introduction, paragraphs should have topic sentences, and there should be transitions between ideas. Prompt: Three innovative ideas that would improve the area where I live are: _____________, ______________, and _____________. I live here In Dallas TX and I the three things I can say is that 1. Our Sewer Drains Stinks, The garabge man leave trash ever where and We need more Sreet lights on our Street my street is call Palisades St. Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples. Writing Process Rubric Thesis/Claim An exceptional thesis/claim that responds to the assignment 10 points An effective thesis/claim that responds to the assignment 7.5 points A somewhat effective thesis/claim that somewhat responds to the assignment 5 points No thesis/claim, one that does not make sense, or one that does not respond to the assignment 2.5 points A statement of your argument; the essay- “main idea†Supporting Ideas/ Evidence Exceptional supporting ideas/evidence that make logical sense 10 points Effective supporting ideas/evidence that make logical sense 7.5 points Supporting ideas/evidence, which somewhat make sense 5 points Either very few or no supporting ideas/evidence or ideas/evidence which do not make sense 2.5 points Ideas and evidence that support your thesis/claim, including appropriate set-ups for secondary sources Analysis of Supporting Ideas/Evidence Exceptional explanations that connect the ideas/evidence to the thesis/claim 10 points Effective explanations that connect the ideas/evidence to the thesis/claim 7.5 points Somewhat effective explanations that connect the ideas/evidence to the thesis/claim 5 points Ineffective or no connection of ideas/evidence to the thesis/claim 2.5 points Logical connection of ideas/evidence to your thesis/claim Introduction An exceptional introduction that includes a thesis/claim, its context and a preview of the essay body 10 points An effective introduction that includes a thesis/claim, its context and a preview of the essay body 7.5 points A somewhat effective introduction that includes a thesis/claim, its context and a preview of the essay body 5 points No introduction, or an introduction without a thesis/claim, context or preview of the essay body 2.5 points A preview of the essay body that includes a thesis/claim and gives its context Body Paragraphs and Transitions Paragraphs with exceptional topic sentences, supporting sentences and concluding sentences Exceptional transitions between and within paragraphs 10 points Paragraphs with effective topic sentences, supporting sentences and concluding sentences Effective transitions between and within paragraphs 7.5 points Paragraphs with somewhat effective topic sentences, supporting sentences and concluding sentences Somewhat effective transitions between and within paragraphs 5 points Paragraphs with ineffective or no topic sentences, supporting sentences or concluding sentences Ineffective or no transitions between or within paragraphs 2.5 points Organization at the paragraph level; each paragraph has a clear topic sentence stating its main idea and supporting sentences. Connections from one paragraph to another and within paragraphs Conclusion An exceptional conclusion 10 points An effective conclusion 7.5 points A somewhat effective or off-topic conclusion 5 points Ineffective or no conclusion 2.5 points A fresh restatement of thesis/claim and a thoughtful ending to the essay Style Exceptionally advanced and complex vocabulary, frequently varied sentence structure and length 10 points Effectively advanced and complex vocabulary, occasionally varied sentence structure and length 7.5 points A mostly accurate vocabulary, some varied sentence structure and length 5 points Inaccurate vocabulary; rarely varied sentence structure and length 2.5 points Vocabulary, sentence structure and variety used to establish a unique writer- voice Tone A tone that shows an exceptional awareness of audience, purpose and occasion 10 points A tone that shows an effective awareness of audience, purpose and occasion 7.5 points A tone that shows a somewhat effective awareness of audience, purpose and occasion 5 points A tone that shows ineffective or no awareness of audience, purpose and occasion 2.5 points An appropriate use of language that shows an awareness of audience, purpose and occasion Grammar & Usage Exceptional control of grammar and writing conventions with no errors 10 points Effective control of grammar and writing conventions, with few errors that do not prevent understanding 7.5 points Somewhat effective control of grammar and writing conventions, with occasional errors that limit understanding 5 points A lack of control of grammar and writing conventions, with frequent errors that prevent understanding 2.5 points No unintended run-ons or fragments, correct subject-verb & pronoun-antecedent agreement, correct tense, correct punctuation, capitalization and spelling Formatting Correct formatting 10 points Mostly correct formatting 7.5 points Somewhat correct formatting 5 points Incorrect formatting 2.5 points 12-point font, correct margins and spacing and/or other assignment-specific directions Overall Score Level 4 76 or more Level 3 51 or more Level 2 26 or more Level 1 0 or more