What is My Level of PsyCap?

Complete the "What is My Level of PsyCap" self-assessment. 

Write a 1050- to 1400-word paper in which you include the following:

    Explain why you agree or disagree with your results.
    Develop strategies to advance your career using your strengths.
    How can you use goal-setting to increase motivation and improve job performance?
    How might your engagement as an employee and job satisfaction influence job performance?
    Discuss at least 5 of the following motivational theories and explain how these can aid in job performance.
    Extrinsic motivation
    Intrinsic motivation
    McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
    Maslow's Needs Hierarchy
    Acquired needs theory
    Self-determination theory
    Herzberg's theory of motivation
    Equity theory
    Expectancy theory

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


Resuts of My Psy Cap (Paper must be done based on these results)


Score : 13 pts.

13 - 18 pts.

Feedback: High level of PsyCap.


Score : 16 pts.

13 - 18 pts.

Feedback: High level of PsyCap.


Score : 13 pts.

13 - 18 pts.

Feedback: High level of PsyCap.


Score : 12 pts.

7 - 12 pts.

Feedback: Moderate level of PsyCap.

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