HRM 531 WEEK 2 Individual Assignment Complete the

Individual Assignment Complete the Employment Law Compliance Plan task as described in the message from Traci on the Atwood and Allen Consulting Page. This Plan should be 800 - 1000 words (not including cover page or references). Purpose of Assignment: For this task, Traci has asked you to develop an employment law compliance plan for your chosen client. This task will help you gain a better understanding of employment laws at the city, state, or national level. It is also important for you to understand how to be compliant with the applicable laws, and what the consequences are of noncompliance. Knowing laws that are applicable to employment in various business situations is essential to starting and maintaining a successful business. Resources Required: Week Two email from Traci Week Two client communications Week Two Rubric (attached)
i will like to work on Landslide Limousines as we discuss
this is the attachment
Video Chat with Bradley Stonefield Traci: Hello, this is Traci Goldeman with Atwood and Allen Consulting. I wanted to take a minute to talk with you about your business. Just so you’re aware, I will be recording our communications over the next several weeks, including this video chat, and placing them in your file for my employees to use as a reference. Having said that, let- get started. Why don’t you tell me a bit about you and your business? Bradley: Sure, Traci. My name is Bradley Stonefield and I am opening a limousine service. I’m going to name it Landslide Limousines, and focus on providing first-class transportation. I’m really excited to be working with you as I get everything set up. Traci: And what location are you looking at? Bradley: I plan on opening in Austin, Texas. Traci: What is your current location? Bradley: That- where I’m currently at. Traci: OK, and how many employees do you have? Bradley: Well, my goal is to have 25 employees within the first year, so that- the number I’d like to use for any planning. Traci: All right, we’ll keep that in mind. Now, the first thing I’d like to do is to address employment laws, so we can make sure you’re on the right track. I’ll have my employees work on identifying applicable laws as well as the consequences of noncompliance with those laws, then we’ll give you recommendations on how to be compliant. Once we have that, we’ll work on some other HR issues for you. Will that work? Bradley: That sounds great, Traci! Thanks so much for your help, and I’ll look for that information from you. Traci: OK, thank you for your time, and I will be in touch with you soon. Don’t hesitate to contact me if anything changes, or if you have any questions. Bye.

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