Week 8 Final Paper

Fianl paper : For my final I have chosen to go with the topic of “Ocean Water Mitigation Strategies and Solutions”. I have chosen this topic because there are far too many bad things being dumped into our oceans sea floor every single day. My approach in suppressing this topic will be to give facts and to educate one- mind on all of the harmful and bad things that actually do come out of dumping bad things into the ocean. A lot of people do not realize how bad the pollution is for the human race and for our environment.
Assignment Tips
Environmental Science Final Project: Mitigation Strategies and Solutions
Your basic task is to write a 1,750-2,100 word research paper on an environmental issue of your choosing.  You need to conduct scholarly research and collect information from peer-reviewed sources.  Then, organize your findings and thoughts into a mitigation plan, also called a sustainability plan, for your issue.  Your paper needs to conform to APA style.
As the instructions in the syllabus suggest, you may choose any environmental topic that we have covered in the course.  Then, you want to narrow this general topic area to a specific problem of your choice.  My advice is to choose a topic that you know something about.  For example, you might live in an area where there is mining and you want to focus on sustainable mining practices and land reclamation.  It is perfectly acceptable to take a micro-level focus, meaning that you might focus on mining in your vicinity of West Virginia.  At the other end of the scale, it is fine to keep your focus at the national or international level.  For example, you are interested in international fisheries issues and your focus becomes developing an internationally acceptable plan to reduce bycatch by approximately 40% over the next three years.
You may use any paper you have written previously as the jumping off point for this final paper.  Don’t feel that you have to start fresh with a brand new topic that you know nothing about; just dig deeper and do a more in-depth analysis of the issues. 
Important points to cover in your paper are noted in the syllabus and include:
Detailed description of the problem;Discussion/identification of nonliving and living factors that contribute to or are affected by the problem.  This means, for example, identifying how any local ecological features, geography, climate or other factors specifically affect the issue you have chosen.Positive and/or negative human impacts.  Here you want to address current impacts as well as consider future impacts of your chosen problem on human society.  As you present mitigation strategies, you will want to outline their influences and impacts on humans, both positive and negative..Evaluation of current sustainability strategies and solutions.  Here you need to describe what is currently being done in an evaluative way and present your perspective on the effectiveness of these strategies/solutions.  You will most likely choose to follow or integrate this evaluation with presentation of your suggestions.Your plan to reach sustainability.  The syllabus suggests that you should review the Resource Plan Guidelines document used for previous assignments, however, you do NOT want to present a step by step plan to hold a meeting or distribute flyers or merely educate people.  Your plan should be much more broad-based than those that were developed for water, terrestrial, or energy resource issues.  I suggest that you consider a plan that involves more people than yourself in implementation of it.  A plan to mobilize action through motivation of private organizations, governmental units, granting agencies or other groups, as well as a plan to mobilize individuals is desirable.  Realize that you alone will not solve the problem you have identified, and make a cooperative plan for action.Benefits and challenges of your plan.  You will want to include information that helps the reader understand why your plan is superior to or can add to what is currently being done to address the issue.  You will also want to identify and major challenges/obstacles that you foresee.Required governmental, societal, and global support.  The idea here is to identify groups that may be required for action (i.e. EPA, World Health Organization, United Nations Development Fund), not to identify specific dollar amounts or plan everything down to the last individual who will conduct a task.
Make sure that your paper includes citations from at least FOUR sources outside of our textbook.  At least TWO of these sources must be peer-reviewed sources.  

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