HAS 525 Week 5 Discussion

HAS 525 Week 5 DQs
Discussion 1
Managed Care Contracting  Please respond to the following
From the scenario interpret the operating indicators used to analyze the financial performance of the organization. Indicate specific ways in which this information will help management improve the performance of the organization. Provide support for your rationale. 
As a financial administrator, suggest one (1) approach to negotiating a managed care contract. Stress the items that may be deal breakers. 

Discussion 2

Ratio Analysis  Please respond to the following:
Determine one (1) key financial ratio that stakeholder groups may evaluate in order to determine the financial health and stability of a health care organization. Provide support for your rationale. 
Assume that you are a hospital administrator, and one of your responsibilities is selecting financial ratios to be included on your management dashboard. Determine the two (2) most critical financial ratios for you to monitor, and indicate how each would help you assess your current performance. Provide support for your rationale.

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