CIS 200 - Business Information Systems (3 Credits) Prerequisite: BUS 150 The use of Information Technology (IT) to enable knowledge workers, support business processes, and grow the business. CIS 210 - Information Technology in Business (3 credits - Fall, Spring, Summer) Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CIS 200 Credit not allowed for both CIS 210 and CIS 120 Introduction to information systems, the IS profession; hardware, software, and programming; web and database applications; data analysis tools.(VB.NET) CIS 240 - Applcation Design and Development (3 credits - Fall, Spring, Summer) Prerequisite: CIS 210 Software engineering methods, including design, implementation, and testing using structured and event-driven techniques, logic, and data structures. (NT-O) (Advance VB.NET) CIS 320 - Project Management for Information Systems (3 credits - Fall, Spring) Prerequisite: CIS 120 or CIS 210 Project management concepts including work breakdown structure, estimating, scheduling, tools, and reports. CIS 340 - Advanced Application Design and Development (3 credits - Fall, Spring) Prerequisite: CIS 240 Credit not allowed for both CIS 340 and CIS 220 Design and construction of business applications using abject-orientation and advanced data structures. (JAVA Programming) CIS 350 - Operating Systems and Networks (3 credits - Fall, Spring) Prerequisite: CIS 240 Multi-user and network operating systems; basic networking concepts including security, transmission, performance, and topologies.(Linux) CIS 355 - Business Database Systems (3 credits - Fall, Spring) Prerequisite: CIS 120 or 210 Physical and logical design, implementation, and administration of databases(SQL) CIS 360 - Systems Analysis and Design (3 credits - Fall, Spring) Prerequisite: CIS 240 Traditional and cutting-edge systems analysis and design techniques, with emphasis on object-oriented approaches. So these are the courses i took so far so please do you best and let me know if you have any question